The benefits of a home security alarm

A home security alarm has become a necessity for peace of mind in today’s world of rising crime rates. Homeowners and anyone who wants to feel safe in their own space can reap the benefits of having one installed. It’s common these days for construction companies to build new homes and apartment complexes already wired to install alarms before residents bring in the furniture. Twenty-four hours a day, every day of the year, homes are protected.

Sophisticated new alarm systems do much more than simply alert occupants and the police to an emergency. Windows and doors are wired against intruders, and a home can be monitored with smoke detectors for fires, dangerous levels of carbon monoxide, rising floodwaters, and freezing temperatures that cause pipes to burst. Some have intercoms or hands-free so that in case of emergency the client can speak directly with the monitoring center. They can tell you help is being sent and stay in contact with you until help arrives.

Families where both parents work may have children who come home alone after school. Video monitors can be installed with the alarm system, allowing parents or carers to visibly monitor children using a mobile phone or internet-enabled computing device. In fact, they can see their children come home and know that they are safe inside. If the sitter is in charge, it’s also an easy way to keep an eye on them. Imagine the peace of mind she gives.

Many of today’s adults are their own parents’ caregivers and can use the video monitoring system to check their safety during the day or night. They no longer have to rely on just a phone call, hoping that mom or dad is okay when they don’t answer the phone.

Home alarms can also help seniors maintain their independent lifestyle without feeling isolated. Small wireless units worn around the neck are linked to the system and will alert monitoring personnel to an emergency with the push of a button. The speaker phone allows the person in trouble to communicate with a professional and tell them what they need. It is such a relief to know that help is on the way and that these professionals are always on call.

For added convenience and security, you can use this technology to turn on the lights in your home when you’re away from home, making others think someone is there. Or if you come home alone at night, turn on your indoor and outdoor lights to avoid going into a dark house alone. Use it to open the garage door without getting out of your car or light the way to the front door.

Motion detectors installed inside the house detect movement when no one should be there. If a home landline is prone to fail possibly during electrical storms, the system can include cellular backup, so the security alarm is always connected to the service provider.

Installation can be done at any time during the life of a house and quite quickly without interrupting the household routine. Everyone should be able to relax and feel safe in their own surroundings, and having a home security alarm goes a long way to making that happen.

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