Fashion trends men should try this year

Unlike women, men are a bit more shy when it comes to trends and fashion. In reality, men tend to stick to timeless fashion like ripped jeans and monochrome clothing. But that doesn’t mean they’re not paying attention to fashion or trying slowly (is that Yeezy or Adidas NMD, from what I see?). So, without further ado, here are some fashion trends that men should at least try this year.

Colorful clothes

This one might be a bit unwieldy for some men who have gotten used to wearing black, white, and gray. It can be intimidating to wear colored clothing. There is a stigma that you are overdoing it in terms of fashion or that you will generally look like a rainbow. But the trick here is to gradually include colored garments in your wardrobe. A colored tie here and there, a magenta shirt, and then pair it with dark ones you love. This will make you feel more comfortable and sooner or later you will be able to wear more colorful clothes.

vintage sportswear

There is a common trend in fashion: it comes back in certain periods. However, this time is different. Even if retro fashion returns, it has been updated for more modern times. Case in point, retro sportswear. Giant brands like Fila, Adidas and Tommy Hilfiger have jumped on the trend and done wonders for their respective sales.

It can also work for a man’s wardrobe. There’s nothing like using a blast from the past with a modern blast. As effective as modern footwear or clothing, but with that classic appeal that everyone loves these days. Can you use it outside the gym or after your training session? Most are also made for that purpose, which means that our main theme is…


Speaking of sportswear, that’s another trend men should invest in. Now known as ‘Athleisure’, sportswear has morphed into a hybrid of lifestyle and sportswear. Gone are baggy sweatshirts and stiff, high-cut shoes. Brands like Adidas are at the forefront of athleisure apparel, producing shoes and clothing that are good enough to wear every day (even for the runway, really), as well as technologically advanced and comfortable enough to wear for sports and training. . It’s rare these days to get the best of both worlds, so guys should make the most of the opportunity.

Vertical stripes

Solid primary colors look good on all kinds of shirts, pants, and suits. But you have to live a little dangerously. While that seems over the top, after all, you’re going to be wearing nude clothes, not just off a cliff. Most men feel that wearing vertical stripes is akin to jumping off a cliff in fashion. However, truth be told, vertical stripes make any man look better, regardless of his body shape and appearance. He can choose the thickness of the stripes to emphasize the effects.

Finally, remember that whatever trend you wear, wear it with confidence. And that’s half the job done.

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