Can normal people have sex like Christian and Ana in Fifty Shades of Gray?

In Fifty Shades, Ana teaches Christian how to make love. Until they met, he just knew how to “have fun”, hard. Ana enjoys the Kinky “Funery” they share; my wife and I have the same ideas.

I have always portrayed my sex life in three different ways: Make love, Have sex Y Funning.

All three ways are very enjoyable for both my wife (in her twenties!) And me – the difference between the three styles has always been the level of romance involved in the act.

Make love It is a very romantic activity and usually begins long before the evening. We take our time to warm up, share a glass of wine, and generally enjoy the excitement of the building. When the evening ends it is a beautiful sexual act full of passion and love. Make love It is a great commitment in time and it is very satisfying for both my wife and me.

Have sex It is not too romantic, the build-up is significantly less, and the effort is greatly reduced. I enjoy having sex, but in general there is not much for my wife. She is very generous with the amount of sex she offers and strengthens our relationship in other areas knowing that I will never be dissatisfied with my sex life.

Funning it has no romance whatsoever and is a pure act of passion and need. It takes the same time to really prepare Fun how do you do it for Make love, but the preparations are different. When we Fun we choose one person to be “on top” and that person is responsible for all the preparation and experience of the other person. We usually take turns being on the ‘bottom’ as it is pure pleasure without any real effort.

The ‘Top’ of the night generally sets the scene, teases the ‘bottoms’ about what’s to come, and generally works to create a sense of anticipation and anticipation. When the time comes, Top takes the background to the scene and takes full control of the experience. Once the bottom has had one (or more, or many more) orgasms, the Top can choose if they would also like to climax.

So can normal people have sex like Christian and Ana? Absolutely. It takes some preparation and some pretty expensive toys, as well as a place where no one will disturb you with a phone call or knock on the door.

The easiest way to do this is to rent a place that supplies most of the expensive toys and allows you to get away from your normal routine and location. Ask the host couple if they will take care of the scene and setting and offer you a variety of toys that you can rent or buy. The scene can include dancing, being tied to a large sex cabinet, or simply riding a saddle-like vibrator that guarantees a body-shaking orgasm.

Make sure the hosts instruct you on the safe use of each toy and suggest music and activities that you can try while in their private Red Room. You also want to make sure you have a safe, quiet, and private place to rest or sleep after you finish playing. Make sure to ask if there is a shower available too!

It’s not as scary as you might think, and with experienced hosts gently and discreetly guiding you through your first night of Fifty Shades, this is how it might begin. Make love, have sex and have fun

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